Monday, November 5, 2012

Let Life Happen to You...

"Let life happen to you. Believe me. 
Life is in the right, always."

Rainer Maria Rilke

These are quiet words, that speak loudly to me.

Yes, I do believe that when we simply allow life to happen, simply allow life to flow in the river she has claimed as her course, and do not constantly try to force the path, or steer the river, that is when life truely evolves as it should. And that to our greatest good.

No, it doesn't mean that we are to sit there and not partake in action. We have to take our continous steps. One by one by one. And we have to have our visions and our goals and our ambitions. But it's about finding how life flows with us, once we declare our visions and our goals and ambitions. As the saying goes, take one step towards the Gods, and the Gods take ten steps towards you.

There are things that are in our power, there are things beyond our power. And accepting our power, our potential and possibility, as well as accepting that which is not ours. That is the true grace.

"Let life happen to you. Believe me. Life is in the right, always."

Much Loves,


My Beautiful Words on Facebook.

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