Thursday, November 7, 2013

Random Thoughts... Stop. Or Start.

30 Things to Stop... 30 Things to Start...

"30 Things to Stop" I shared with you on Tuesday. "30 Things to Start" I shared with you on Wednesday.

I believe both these inspiring, provoking and encouraging "30 Things" belong to each other hand in hand. And heart in heart.

And your responses to the both of those "30 Things" definitely proved how they inspired and provoked and encouraged.

But it showed me something else.

It's always about how we choose and decide to perceive things. I personally am one that tries to very consciously choose my words, select words.

And by being conscious with that, I create energy towards what I speak, what I say and what I do.

Should someone ask me how I am, you'll never here me say "not bad"... I have yet to figure out why, in order to express something good we use two negative words?

How does "good" get defined with the words "not" and "bad"?

But I believe, Mother Teresa said and expressed it best with these words...

"I was once asked why I do not participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that. But as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I will be there."

And that is what this is all about. We create energy to what we focus on. The direction we want to go. What we want to ignite in ourselves. But also in others.

Do we want to focus on "Stop"? Or do we want to focus on "Start?"

Depending on the situation, both could be the perfect choice.

Speak good of what it is you want to accomplish. Of where you want to direct your attention and your energy.

And you'll be starting wonders.

Just my little random thought of the day.

Much Loves,


My Beautiful Words on Facebook
Encouraging Courage. Together.

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