This is the beginning... the start of a project. The start of an idea. Of a vision. Please help share the word...
"My Beautiful Words" is a call of language and a call of story sharing. The idea behind this project is to collect as many beautiful words, from as many beautiful languages, from just as many beautiful
people as possible. Each thought we have, is based upon a word. It’s how
we communicate. Written, spoken or even in the still dialogues of our
own mind. There is beauty in that.
Love is the same word and
holds the same meaning, regardless if we call it Amour, Liebe or Sayang.
And maybe your favourite word is as simple as "Kuckucksuhr", just
because you like the way it sounds as it twirls on your tongue. Or maybe
your word is as simple as "Rose", and because you read that word in a
poem, you remember that poem. Simply because of that one precious word.
And that’s what I want to know. That’s what this project is about - your
most beautiful word and your personal story and meaning behind that
word. Yes, not just the word is important, but why it’s something
beautiful to you.
My hope is that this call of "My Beautiful
Words" is passed through the world. I want to hear of words and
languages that may never have been shared, if we didn’t bring this
project together. We can ignite these words; cause and stir magic with
these words; expanding our knowledge, increasing our understanding,
broadening our horizon. I want beautiful people of all ages, and of all
nations, to share their words. Your most beautiful words. Michael
Ondaatje said in a most honest and baring way, “All I ever wanted was a
world without maps”.
I believe that is what we can accomplish
with this project. Where this may lead to, I’m not yet sure at the
moment. I’d like to imagine it may become an exhibit. I’d like to
imagine it may become a book. In the words of Henry Miller, “Imagination
is the voice of daring. If there is anything Godlike about God it is
that. He dared to imagine everything”. But whatever it becomes, I would
like it to bring goodness and share goodness.
Please take the
time to think of your own personal “My Beautiful Word” and share it. Not
just here with this project, but share the message with your friends,
with your families. And ask them to share as well. Let’s see the
language, and the energy behind the language and words travel further
than we can possibly imagine in this moment.
To submit your “My Beautiful Words”, please send an email to words @ .
The following information is required:
1) Your word (ie: Sayang)
2) The language origin and what the word means (Indonesia, love)
3) The reason this is your most beautiful word, the story you have for this word
4) Your name, where you come from, your age, or whatever you want to share of yourself
5) If you like, send a photograph that represents your word, shows you with your word
In submitting your word for “My Beautiful Words” project, you kindly
allow that your “My Beautiful Word” can be openly used for this project
as the project grows. Of course, we will contact you for permission
should this be published in any other way other than means of internet.
All I can say is thank you. Thank you for being a part of something
special, for being a part of something that speaks a beautiful language
that we can share with the world.
Much Love,