Monday, April 29, 2013

The Love Dare...

The Love Dare...

What would happen if today, you simply decided to give Love. Wherever you go. To all you meet. To every stranger you pass by.

It's easy. Wonderfully easy.

I do this often. Sitting in a café. Walking down the street. Driving in the car.

To every person that passes me by, I simply and quietly in my mind and under breath say,

"I wish you Love. I give you Love. Go on in Love."

Look as many people in the eye as you can. And the more you start saying these words, it almost feels like you're giving yourself the Love first.

You surrender to it. And that's when the wonder begins.

You walk differently. Lightly. Majestically I even dare say.

And there's this smile that you'll find on your face. A soft smile. And gentle. More so, there's a smile in your eyes.

That smile will sometimes catch people off guard. And sometimes you'll find a smile returned. Or an unknowingly knowing wink of the eye.

But you radiate that Love you are reminding yourself of. And that Love you are sending out. That you are sharing.

You surrender to it. And there's no denying it. It is simple and sweet surrender. And it takes with its entirety.

But trust me when I say, in those moments, you are causing wonders and miracles you may possibly never imagine you were capable of.

Those wonders will remain unknown secrets. To all those involved.

But sometimes, that's the greatest secret of the secret's secret. To do something, without a purpose or a cause. Other than Love.

No one will hear you. No one will know what's happening within. But some will sense magic.

And you are making a difference. You are.

I dare you. I sweetly and passionately dare you to Love.

Are you with me?

As I send you my Love,


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