Thursday, January 16, 2014

Random Thoughts... You Have a Choice.

"You have a choice.
You always have a choice. Always."

Angela Gwinner

Reflecting on words of a conversation yesterday. Someone close to the heart telling me, "I didn't have a choice."

I heard those words on the surface and the conversation carried on and then suddenly I realised. Stop. Rewind. Go back a moment.

Did you just say, you didn't have a choice?

Maybe in that moment, I didn't hear those words. Rather I heard all the times in the past in which I spoke those words myself.

And I suddenly I realised how wrong those words are.

We have a choice. We always have a choice. Always.

I have a choice when I decide what I'm going to wear in the morning. I have a choice when I'm sitting at the café, declaring which coffee I want to have.

I have a choice when I see the homeless man sitting on the bridge, whether or not to give him a dollar. Or to smile at him to say "I see you, hello."

Or simply to walk on by, as though I didn't see him at all.

I have a choice when someone hurts me, on how I respond.

I can bend down to their niveau and throw hurt back, or I can rise above them.

With magestic dignity and greatness. And with calmity.

That choice is my ability to respond.

And that word in itself already says it all. My ability to respond is "My responsibility".

I have a choice when something doesn't go as planned. I can mourn. I can complain.

I can throw a tantrum like a little child that didn't get that toy they wanted.

Or I can give it another go. I can make the choice to see it as a treasure map hunt and that was the wrong clue.

Or I can simply decide that maybe, just maybe, that wasn't meant to be after all.

Something better is on the way. And that situation was just one of the stepping stones needed.

So suddenly I realised the defeat in those words "I didn't have a choice."

That in itself, was a choice as well.

So maybe that is how we have to perceive each moment. As a choice.

And with the same simplicity, as choosing what I want to wear, what I want to eat.

Asking myself in each moment, is this how I want to feel? Is this where I want to be?

Is this how I want to respond? Is this how I want to tell the world "This is who I am."?

I have a choice to change, or not to change. I have a choice to love, or not to love.

I have a choice to receive, or to keep my hands and heart closed.

I have a choice. And I can decide.

You have a choice. And you can decide.

We always have a choice. Always.

Just my little thought of the day.

Much Loves,


My Beautiful Words on Facebook.
Encouraging Courage.

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