Friday, October 31, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Declare Now...

"Let today be the day that the voice of your heart and your dreams 
speak a clear and distinct "Now!" 
And nothing and no one in the world can stop you."

Angela Gwinner

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Radiant Queens...

"She was the radiant Queen of her own life. 
Her energy was powerful enough to light up the whole world."


A graceful and noble reminder to all the Queens.

Each and every one of you.

Much Loves,


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Encouraging Courage. Encouraging You.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Your Powerful Compass...

"Trust yourself. Listen to your intuition. Feel it. 
Let it lead the way. The most powerful compass you can have."

Angela Gwinner

If you can't hear the voice, feel the voice.

It's all about feeling your intuition.

Much Loves,


Questions and Answers...

"Everything in the universe is inside you. 
You have the answer to all your questions."


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Thank You...

"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, 
it will be enough."

Meister Eckhart

Be Alive...

"While we have the gift of life, 
it seems to me that only tragedy is to allow part of us to die. 
Whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or our glorious uniqueness."

Gilda Radner

Live life today. Beautifully, gloriously, boldly, wholly. Be alive.

Much Loves,


Shake the World... Gently.

"In a gentle way, you can shake the world."

Mahatma Gandhi

One of the quotes, that shakes me. Beautifully. And passionately.

And words that have followed me, and guided me. For years.

And maybe in a way, it's the nurturing thought that flames "My Beautiful Words" and "WUNDERWORT by Angela". And my visions, my dreams. All that it is, that I believe in.

And maybe it's what I want to inspire each of you to do. To shake this world, in a gentle, compassionate, but full of life and love kind of way.

Will you shake with me?

Much Loves,


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Thursday, October 23, 2014


"Discover what you don't know about you."

Ann Charisse Kelley

I read these words. And I fell in love with them. They penetrated beautifully within and found me asking the question...

What do I still want to discover about myself?

And that's what these simple words provoke.

The reminder to taste life, devour it. Each precious moment. To discover what it is you want to discover. Your life. Your one beautiful, God given gift of privilege and honour to be alive and born into this world.

Nothing is ever without reason. And nothing is without purpose. And especially you being here. Alive. Awake. Right now. You came into this world with the instinct and yearning and the fight to breath and to be birth yourself into this world. The Italians have such a majestic name for birth... "Dare alla Luce". To give to the light.

And that's what each and every day should be for us. To seek with all our determination, the light... That light being our purpose, our passion, our lives, our selves. And not just to seek that light, but to live with the realisation, that we too, are light. As long as there is life in us, there is light in us.

So go on a journey within yourself and towards yourself. Awe at every little bit of you, be in fascination. Discover yourself. Discover your life. And make every day a part of this journey. A beautiful, beautiful, passionate treasure hunt. Create new maps. Take the backroads and sideroads. Surrender to the detours and sometimes even the stumbling stones, because there's something beautiful to be discovered there too.

Discover. Journey. Taste. Devour. Breathe. Touch. Feel.

Be passionately curious.

And Ann Charisse, thank you so much my dear for leaving those simple and provokingly powerful few words behind here, for me to read.

Ann Charisse is a darling reader here at My Beautiful Words. I almost dare to say, I believe she found me since the beginning days, when I only had a handful of readers. Ann, I adore you so.

Mind you, I believe I adore all of you. I do.

Much Loves,


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Great Aims...

"The day is always his, who works in it with serenity and great aims."

Ralph Waldo Emerson
PS. Don't forget your greatness!

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A Big Heart...

"I have a big heart. And I will use it."


"Ich habe ein großes Herz. Und ich werde es benutzen."

Words, that I read in a German magazine the other day.

And as I read them, I found myself smiling and saying "Yes".

I hope they leave you smiling and saying the same.

Much Loves,


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Encouraging Courage. Encouraging You.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Don't Give Up...

"Don't give up. 
Remember, it is most always the last key on the key ring 
that opens the door."

Paulo Coelho

Dedicated to a dear friend...

And to anyone and everyone, that needs the little reminder.

Much Loves,


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Always Be Yourself...

"Always be yourself. Never try to hide who you are. The only shame is to have shame. Always stand up for what you believe in. Always question what other people tell you. Never regret the past. It is a waste of time. And there is always a reason for everything. Every mistake, every moment of weakness, every terrible thing that has happened to you. Grow from it. The only way you can ever get the respect of others is when you show them you respect yourself. And most importantly, do your thing. And never apologize for being yourself."


Monday, October 20, 2014


Thought of the day... Rise!

"One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this,
‘To rise above the little things’."

John Burroughs

The Definition of Forgiving...

The Definition of Forgiving...

"Forgiving is for giving yourself Love. Forgiving is for giving yourself Respect. 
Forgiving is for giving yourself Strength. Forgiving is for Giving.

And I also believe, forgiving is for giving yourself Freedom.
And Power. It is Dignity. Forgiving is Noble. It is Grace. And Godlike."

Angela Gwinner

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Your Light...

"Do you not know yet? 
It is your light that lights the world."



Let yourself be found with...


The effect by which one accidentally stumbles upon something truly wonderful, 
especially while looking for something entirely unrelated.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

I Like Living...

"I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable and racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing."

Agatha Christie 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Serenity Prayer... Rewritten.

The Serenity Prayer... Rewritten.

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it is me. Amen."


To Be So Human...

"I am not in search of sanctity, sacredness, purity. These things are found after this life, not in this life. but in this life I search to be completely human. To feel, to give, to take, to laugh, to get lost, to be found, to dance, to love and to lust, to be so human."

C. JoyBell C.

Dance a little today. Feel. And give. And take.

Love a little today.

No... Love a lot today.

And be so beautifully human.

Much Loves,


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Encouraging Courage. Encouraging You.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Live Your Power...

Live your power...

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile. 
The power of a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, 
or the smallest act of caring. All of which have the potential to turn a life around."

Leo Buscaglia

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Little Prince...

One of the most beautiful books ever written...

One of the most beautiful books ever read.

The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Much Loves,


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Look With the Heart...

"But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart."

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
"The Little Prince"

The Unexpected...

"No matter what, expect the unexpected. 
And whenever possible, be the unexpected."

Lynda Barry

The Wisdom...

"You do not have to wait for wisdom to befall you in order to know what move to make now. The wisdom, the insight, the answer you have been waiting for is waiting for you. It is already inside of you. In fact, you may have already ‘heard’ it and not believed it. If you want to be clear about this answer, simply write your question, situation or problem down on a piece of paper tonight. Then pick up the paper in the morning and compose a calm, wisdom filled response. And do not be surprised if you surprise yourself with the answer you receive."

Neale Donald Walsch 

Monday, October 13, 2014

A Smile...

"I have got nothing to do today but smile."

Paul Simon

Today is That Day...

"One day you will wake up and realize that life has passed you by, that your dreams of today are gone, that the things you wanted are no longer there. Not today. Not now. Not your life. This is the day where you take control and create your future. Life isn't about waiting, hoping or wishing. It is about creating, doing and truly living. Today is that day."

Brad Gast

The Passionate and Powerful Pursuit...

"Pursue the things you love doing. 
And then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off you."

Maya Angelou

Powerful words. Passionate words.

Pursue these words.

Much Loves,


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Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Miracle of Change...

"Something amazing happens when we surrender and just love. 
We melt into another world, a realm of power already within us. 
The world changes when we change. The world softens when we soften. 
The world loves us when we choose to love the world."

Marianne Williamson

Amen. Amen. Beautifully... Amen.

Much Loves,


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"Sometimes, I only need to stand wherever I am to be blessed."

Mary Oliver

Open eyes. And an open mind.

Open arms. And an open heart.

Much Loves,


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Friday, October 10, 2014


"Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous."

Albert Einstein

That explains it all. Because really...

Nothing is ever just a coincidence.

It's all part of a beautifully woven tapestry.

It's all part of a divine master plan.

And one day, with a glance back over our shoulder, we'll understand.

Nothing is ever just a coincidence.

Much Loves,


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Random Thoughts... Take Time. To Make Time...

You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day. 
Unless you are too busy. Then you should sit for an hour."

Old Zen Adage

My own personal lesson of the day. Stop.

Take time. To make time.

These past weeks have felt like a wonderful chaos around me.

I'm dancing between my projects and client work, as though I'm dancing at four weddings and a funeral. All at the same time. In the same moment. And these pasts days, I feel like I'm the queen of dancing two steps behind, and out of tune.

But I hope, with a bit of grace.

Mind you, I'm in love with my work and I believe in my work, and hence I call it a wonderful chaos.

Wasn't it Nietzsche who once said, "You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star."

Thank you for that, Nietzsche. Thank you.

But this afternoon, I was driving home from a meeting and my mind was inspired and thinking of all the things I needed to do when I got back home. And all the things I wanted to do when I got back home. Home of course, is also lovingly known as my "Head Quarters"... and my "Heart Quarters".

And today was a beautiful day, an October beautiful day... In the distance I could see the vineyards, alongside me the harvest fields, and these glorious October colours....

And I heard myself in a monologue of thinking... I wish I had time to just stop and enjoy this all right now. Go for a walk, sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee...

The mind immediately replied in another monologue of thinking... Don't forget to make that phone call. You need to finish the texts for the website. You still haven't replied to that email. Schedule the appointment for next week....

And suddenly I heard something inside those thoughts say...

Stop. Right now. Inhale. Exhale.

Take time. To make time.

And then I knew what I had to do.

There is a little lake just outside this little town I call home.

A quaint little lake. With a walking path around it.

I remembered that one of the things on my infamous "to do" list that had not yet been accomplished over the past weeks was "Go for a walk around the lake. Collect hazelnuts."

In all the frenzy the past few weeks, I had been postphoning little things like this. And in that regard, I had been putting myself on hold.


Take time. To make time.

And so, I went for my walk.

My mind was still inspired, but there was a calm in the inspiration. And I sensed my longing for awareness. Not the awareness of my "to do" list, and this phone call and that email, that appointment and this or that project. But the awareness of what was before me and around me, with each and every step. The awareness of the trees, the little pebbles beneath my feet. The stillness of the water. A bird that flew by.

It was like I had a deja vu of being a child. A walk of just a few steps could have taken me hours. The patience my mother must have had with me. And simply because as a child, I had to stop and pick up and touch each little flower along the way. I had to hold every little stone in my hand as though it were the first stone I had ever seen. It must have been something magical. And I looked at everything in wonder. Each crack in the sidewalk. Each person that walked by.

And I am probably guessing in saying, you were just the same as a child.

Aware. Awake. Beautifully wide awake. And in wonder.

And yes, I came by the hazelnut tree. Stopped, and picked each nut up, one by one by one. As many as my pockets could hold.

When I got back to my car, there was a different woman standing there, than the woman I was just an hour earlier. I caught myself smiling.


Take time. To make time.

There's a little café at the lake. I had my notebook with me, the paper and pen type of notebook, I had my cigarettes with me. But most importantly, I had me, with me.

And I found myself thinking, now is the perfect moment for a cup of coffee. Me. My notebook. That little lake. Paper and pen. And a cup of coffee.

And I just sat there. I found myself writing down only two words. And those two words were, "Thank you".

I believe I was thanking myself. And maybe I was thanking God. And possibly I was thanking Life. And I was just thanking the moment.

Calm. Quiet. Happy. Inspired.

Meditation doesn't always have to be "om".

And meditation doesn't always have to be sitting cross legged on the floor, trying so hard to force yourself to meditate and not think about the laundry, or why he said what he said when you wanted him to say what... ommmm... but i think i'm hungry and when I'm finished with this, the first thing I want to do is make myself something to eat and... ommmm... am I the only person in the world that can't frigging just be quiet and sit here and meditate? Sat nam. And namasté.

No. Meditation is often just a walk in the woods. Or a walk around the lake. And being aware. Of you and yourself. And where you are. And letting the simple things in that moment be so beautifully real that you feel the colour, and touch the air and smell the breeze kiss your skin.

No. Meditation is often just a cup of coffee. Sitting there. Gazing. And catching yourself with a gentle smile.

No. Meditation is letting things stop. Even if just for a moment.

Take time. To make time.

And as the Old Zen Adage goes...

"You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day. Unless you are too busy. Then you should sit for an hour."

Much Loves,


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Encouraging Courage. Encouraging You.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

That Strange Pull..

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. 
It will not lead you astray."


Monday, October 6, 2014

Be Bodacious...

"Being bodacious is having the courage to be in charge of your life.
A bodacious woman is this century's Wonder Woman."
Mary Foley 
Hello Wonder Woman... Hello bodacious, beautiful Superhero!

And yes. I'm talking to you. And to you. To to you too.

Step into life today, wearing your imaginary cape and crown.

And don't forget your magical wand too...

Much Loves,


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Encouraging Courage. Encouraging You.

Saturday, October 4, 2014



October 30th, 2014 in Wiesenbach, Germany.

I have been doing yoga with Maya Fiennes for years. However, simply in my living room. And with her wonderful Kundalini Yoga DVDs, which I dearly recommend. And I have long been manifesting that the day will come that I can attend one of her retreats and to meet her personally. On my vision wall over the years there is Maya and Goa Goa...

I have shared and introduced Maya's work to so many of my friends over the years and they too have been beautifully touched by Maya and Kundalini yoga. And since the beginning of My Beautiful Words, I have been sharing quotes from her as well.

And here we are. Maya will be holding a Yoga for REAL Happiness day session at my flowers of life in Wiesenbach, Germany. A dream of a location at Katja Merkel's showroom and atelier. Katja is the wonderful designer behind the My Flowers of Life cashmere and silk collections, and a dear friend.

Maya instructs with an energetic technique that will elevate your mind and resonation, clear your system of toxins, and leave you feeling focused, vibrant, and most than beautifully alive. In this workshop, Maya will focus on everyday issues and teach you how the breathing exercises, postures, mantras and meditation from Kundalini Yoga can help you achieve REAL Happiness in Life. Happiness, something we all look for, however often need reminding and guiding that it is within ourselves. And it simply needs to be unlocked with the key that we hold in our hearts and in our hands.

30 October | 5 pm - 7 pm and 8 pm - 10 pm
Including a Sri Lankan Dinner | 7 pm – 8 pm
Price: 180,00 EUR

My Flowers of Life
Langenzell 1
69257 Wiesenbach

Booking: | phone +49 6223 7299055

or on Maya's page

Much Loves,


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Do One Wild and Crazy Thing...

"Here is how to break through the perfectionism. Make a LOT of mistakes. Fall on your butt more often. Waste more paper printing out your shitty first drafts, and maybe send a check to the Sierra Club. Celebrate messes. These are where the goods are. Put something on the calendar that you know you will be terrible at, like dance lessons, or a meditation retreat, or boot camp. Find a writing partner, who will help you with your work, by reading it for you, and telling you the truth about it, with respect, to help you make it better and better; for whom you will do the same thing. Find someone who wants to steal his or her life back, too.

Now. Today. Do one wild and crazy thing. Wear shorts out in public if it is hot and even if your legs are milky white or heavy. Go to a poetry slam. Go to open microphone and read the story you wrote about the hilariously god-awful family reunion, with a trusted friend, even though it could be better, and would hurt Uncle Ed’s feelings if he read it, which he isn’t going to. Change his name and hair color — he won’t even recognize himself. At work, begin to fulfill your artistic destiny. Wow! A reviewer may hate your style, or newspapers may neglect you, or 500 people may tell you that you are bitter, delusional and boring. Let me ask you this. In the big juicy Zorba scheme of things, who fucking cares?"

Anne Lamott

Side note and random thought.

Sometimes that F word is the most beautiful word there is. It's the exclamation mark and Amen, with yet another exclamation mark!

Dear Anne... Thank you so for these words.

I know I needed them today. And I reckon I'm not the only one.

Much Loves,


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Encouraging Courage. Encouraging You.

Friday, October 3, 2014

A Realistic Romantic...

"I am a realistic romantic. That is possible, you know."

Audrey Hepburn

Change the Perspective...

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look
at change."

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

It's all about the perspective. And it's all about the stance you choose to hold, allow yourself to hold...

If you and I were sitting together at a table, I would see the table from my "point of view" and you would see the exact same things on the table, but from your "point of view"... But each of us, would see a different perspective... And there could be something placed on that table, that only you could see, and for me, it's simply not there. It's not visible.

And beyond that table, there's a room... regardless how big or small. And again, there's people and things in that room that I would have my back turned upon and only you could see. I'd have to turn around, I'd have to stand up, I'd have to change my perspective.

And this applies to everything in our life. Every moment and every experience, is unique... Not only for what it is, but unique for each of us. And it's all based upon our perspectives. And how we choose to look at things and from where we choose... From which point of view, and with which emotion.

A few years ago, a situation arose and my team wasn't having one of their best days. One by one they were walking into my office, upset and pointing fingers and throwing blame at each other like spitballs.

Needless to say, I wasn't having one of my best days either. Usually I'd slip into the role of Mother Goose and try to sort and talk it out with them. But on that day, I just wanted nothing to do with the situation. It felt so primitive and small at the moment. Irrelevant.

I always had a fruit bowl in my office... And on that day, I stood up, grabbed an apple, stormed into the conference room and placed the apple on the middle of the table.

I had a few strange looks coming my way. Questioning looks regarding my sanity. I walked back into my office, grabbed the camera and simply told my team, "One by one, I want each of you to walk into the conference room. There's an apple on the table. I want you to take a photograph of what you see."

More strange looks. And a strange and loud quietness. Hush.

One by one, they went into the conference room.

Ten People. The same room. The same scenario. The same apple. On the same table. Nothing touched. Nothing changed.

I printed out each of those photographs and we all met back in the conference room. I laid each photograph out on the table.

Some of the photographs showed a close up of the apple. Some of those photographs showed the whole room and you could assume that maybe, if you looked really close, there was an apple on the table. Some of the photographs were dead on center. Some of the photographs taken to the left. And some taken to the right.

Each photograph showed a different perspective. Each photograph was unique.

I still had a few strange looks. And I still had that strange and loud quietness.

And all I simply asked, was how could it be, that each person walked into the room through the same door. And each person saw had the same apple on the same table in the same room with the same light and with the same intention of taking a photograph... So how could it be that I had ten absolutely, astonishingly different photographs?

I walked out of the room and simply left them with ten photographs and an apple.

Nothing else needed to be said.

Yes, it's all about how we choose to look at things. And it's about how we share our "point of view". However, with the wisdom and understanding, that someone else, might just see the moment, the scenario a little different than you. There are fifty shades of gray, so to speak. And someone else, might just feel the moment, feel the emotion, just a little different than you.

And that, changes everything.

Much Loves,


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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Time is Now...

"There is no better time than now. 
The time to live is now. The time to dream is now.
 The time to imagine and forget the past is now. The time to shine is now. 
The time to bleed, sweat and determine yourself for the things you want most is now. 
The time is here now."
